The first meeting of a brand new Book Club has me giddy! We met last night to introduce ourselves and propose books for the group to read over the next few months. It is amazing how inspired and excited I feel after a couple hours in a room talking about books with really intelligent, diverse, women. And part of my excitement was meeting people that I had never met before--you know how meeting new people who you have so much in common with makes you feel validated and alive and more in touch with your environment somehow?
Anyway, we've decided to read Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote as
our first book, and The Help by Kathryn Stockett as the second. I couldn't be
more excited to delve in!
Book images via here and here.
I think I am also feeling rejuvenated and giddy because I began my 12-week Biggest Loser journey at Hampton Hills Athletic Club last night. I have never even watched the show, but I have signed up to be trained and told what to eat for the next 12 weeks in the hopes of coming out on the other side with a bikini bod. (Well, that may not be possible in 12 weeks, but a girl can dream). Anyway- I'll keep you updated on my progress throughout the journey!

What has you giddy this week?
I really love that movie - it is such a good "chick flick". Had to watch without Rick around. We read the Help in my book club too, and I loved it. I echo your sentiments about finding a group of people to collaborate with on reading....making me wish I had taken my Dr. Ragan classes more seriously. A good next book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.