Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Easiest Vegetable Recipe Ever (swear!)

This is nothing earth-shattering, I realize, but it is a new-to-me way to cook broccoli, and I am addicted.  And it's as easy as it gets.

In the past, I have shied away from cooking broccoli because to me it was a pain in the ass to cut it up and boil it, just to have a semi-ok-tasting end product that I was really only eating because I knew it was good for me. 

But now, my broccoli-avoidin' days are over.  Since finding this bag of pre-cut broccoli  from Trader Joe's, my vegetable repertoire has expanded.

 Just empty out this bag on a sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with some red pepper flakes, and shave some Parmesan cheese on top.  (Pretty much every savory recipe I cook includes Parmesan).

 Roast in the oven for about 10-15 minutes, (depending on how much toothsome you like your veggies), and that's it.  Healthy veggies that are super-easy and tasty.  Why did I not think of this sooner??

What are your favorite easy-to-make, yet semi-healthy veggie recipes?

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