May 2-8 is American Humane's Be Kind to Animals Week.
Here's just a few things we all can do to be kind to animals:
Speak out for animals
Get informed about policies and legislation that can impact the animals in your community and throughout the country. Also, register to receive Action Alerts from American Humane -- you’ll be able to speak out for animals with just the click of a mouse. You know I'm a fan of being knowledgeable about policy--just do it.
Report animal abuse
Animal cruelty and abuse is not only tragic for animals, but also an indicator that other forms of abuse such as domestic violence could be happening. If you see something that looks suspicious -- a dog chained in your neighbor’s yard that looks underfed, a child putting a cat in a box and kicking it around the yard -- don’t hesitate. Let someone know. I have called City Animal Control several times and they are usually very willing to help investigate; advocate for a dog or cat that cannot speak for itself.
Adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue
Every year, an estimated 3.7 million animals must be euthanized at our nation’s shelters because they could not be adopted into loving homes. Help animals find a second chance at happiness by adopting your next pet from your local shelter or rescue group. American Humane has tips to find the animal companion that’s right for you and develop a bond that will last a lifetime.
My shelter babies- Abby, Peach, Fat Albert & cat Bernice (not pictured)
I LOVE my shelter babies--all adopted from our local shelter, The Animal Mission, and they are the greatest!

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