So, here is my Crawfish Festival re-cap, and a preview of posts to come this week.

After cleaning up and cooling off after the run, we headed back out into the thick air for a day of local festivities at the Crawfish Festival. I have attended this event in past years, and it is always fun. It is not as crowded or filled with drunken co-eds as the 5 Points St. Patty's festival, and is located in my old 'hood- Rosewood.

Of course, people came running (literally) when Marcy Playground played Sex and Candy. A classic.
There was a play area for kids, a small section of local crafts for sale, the standard Rockaway's "Shot Closet," (which I steered clear of--liquor and heat don't bode well for me), and plenty of crawfish to be eaten. There was also a pole-vaulting competition, which seems a bit extraneous in this setting, but is great fun to watch.

It has become a Crawfish festival tradition to go to Labrasca's Pizza for an early dinner post-festivities, and we continued the tradition this year. Labrasca's is a Columbia classic-I have been eating this pizza since I was a kid. My mom used to go buy un-cooked pizzas from them on Saturday and save them to cook Sunday afternoon for lunch because they aren't open on Sunday.

All in all, a super-fun day. Going to bed with a full stomach, just a bit over-sunned, a little sore (from the 5K), and a little tipsy (from festival beer), is a nice way to end a spring Saturday if you ask me.
This week's up-coming posts: my review of an awesome, yet hidden gem, the Great American Grill restaurant in the Hilton Garden Inn off Harbison, this week's round-up of Columbia stuff, and the usual Word for Wednesday and Thursday's Thinking of Food. It's good to be back!
This week's up-coming posts: my review of an awesome, yet hidden gem, the Great American Grill restaurant in the Hilton Garden Inn off Harbison, this week's round-up of Columbia stuff, and the usual Word for Wednesday and Thursday's Thinking of Food. It's good to be back!
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