Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My New Go-To Bag

Just bought this amazing bag from Banana Republic. Love it. Just so you know, I very rarely buy new handbags; once I find one I like, I use it forever. For real-the brown leather Target bag I use daily, I've had for 4+ years. It was time for a new one.

image via here

And, today only--(3.5 hours and counting)--with the promo code BRSAVE25, you get 25% off of anything regular priced when you use your BR card.
So, essentially I saved 25 bucks on this, my new perfect bag!

(Just had to share!)


  1. I'm the same way, I'm so picky about my bags, I find one I like and wear it out.

  2. Phew--I'm not the only girl who stays with the same bag forever :)
    Thanks for the comment, Kelly!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (reposting as I posted under boyfriend's account which made for a very awkward comment...)

    So cute!!! I change my bags like I change my underwear (which is quite often, thank you!) :)

  5. Stacy-- that's hilarious--I was really excited thinking I had a really fashion-forward gay reader! You probably remember my Target bag; I'm pretty sure I was carrying it when we worked at FF.

  6. I love this bag! I'm starting to look for a new one - my Isaac Mizrahi one from Target is starting to wear down + I'm ready for a new look.
