Today- join tell them!, a grassroots e-advocacy network, in their "virtual march" to tell our SC legislators that the majority of South Carolinians support age-appropriate, medically accurate sexual health information and access to counseling and clinical services. Having been a public school teacher in SC, I know first-hand that our sex ed curriculum is seriously lacking. SC has the 8th highest AIDS case rate in the nation. 3 out of 10 women will become pregnant before the age of 20. Click here to join the virtual march--it is so easy and only takes a minute to sign up.

Free admission to the Columbia Museum of Art today, 10 am- 5 pm. To celebrate their 60th Birthday, the CMA is offering free admission all day, today only, as well as 10% off all items in the Museum Shop.
Wednesday, March 24th- Join the Columbia Museum of Art Contemporaries from 5:30- 7:30 pm for oysters and beer. Event will be held in Boyd Plaza, (in front of the CMA) and cost is $5 or Free to members. RSVP to Brittany Gridine

Thursday, March 25th- Head to Westend, a new luxury home gallery. They, along with Just the Thing are hosting a FREE "Spring Ladies Night" at 830 Meeting Street, West Columbia from 6-8 pm. There will be special presentations to help you accessorize your home and yourself, as well as wine and cheese, door prizes, and 20% off any purchases!

If you don't have dogs, but have kids--head to Finlay Park for Kid's Day. 11 am- 7 pm, there will be a petting zoo, rides, games, arts & crafts, stage entertainment, food & drinks and more! Admission is FREE.
Or, if you'd rather not be around dogs or kids...head to Riverbanks Zoo's Springtime at the Garden Festival from 9 am- 4 pm. Enjoy the Botanical Garden and get motivated for successful spring gardening with specialized demonstrations, live music, plant vendors, arts and activities for the kids and a variety of experts from local businesses. Participation is free with paid admission to Riverbanks Zoo and Garden.
Oh yeah, and there is this little thing called The Carolina Cup going on Saturday too...
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