Newly tilled, not yet planted
Just a few pictures from last Friday--I had the day off, and James and I spent the morning planting seeds, cleaning up the yard and shed, and sifting through the compost in preparation for using our very own compost as fertilizer for our garden for the first time! Wow--how's that for sustainability and green growing practices! Interested in composting? Click
here for an easy how-to.
Here's the run-down of what we planted: corn, salsa peppers, red onions, strawberries, tomatoes, chives, cilantro, mixed lettuces, arugula, spinach, carrots, maybe more I don't remember...
We also bought a very small lime tree--I am so hoping we can keep this alive! I would love to be able to walk to my back yard to pick a lime for margaritas.
Our sweet babies, Peach & Abby,
who have nothing to fear in our garden since we use organic pesticide and organic compost fertilizer
If you have a garden and pets, click
here to get some safety tips for having pets around flower and veggie gardens.
Anyone else out there growing spring flowers/veggies?
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