Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On Creation

image via here

"Creation is a better means of self-expression than possession; it is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed."

-Vida Dutton Scudder, The Privilege of Age

full disclosure: this quote is jacked from the May 2012 Real Simple magazine

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Great Gatsby

I'm pretty excited for The Great Gatsby movie, due out this Christmas.  From the trailer, it is very obviously directed by Baz Luhrmann--the fast-paced scenes and dialogue, the music and dancing, fireworks, Bollywood-ish feel--much like his adaptations of Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge

I, for one, enjoyed those films and Luhrmann's style. And I adored The Great Gatsby when I first read it in school...mentally putting it on my summer reading list right now.  And the movie is on my Christmas to-see list, for sure.  Will you see it?

Also love the book cover:

image via here

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Denver Eats (Well)

I was in Denver, CO last week for a quick 2-night work trip.  While there we managed to dine at a few very cool local places.

LaLa's Artista Pizza

LaLa's Wine Bar & Pizzeria- great, creative pizzas.  The anchoviest-Caesar salad dressing I've ever eaten, but in a good way.  Nice, neighborhoody-feel.  Would be an awesome place to enjoy a happy hour drink or three, al fresco.

Caffe Sanora- we ate breakfast here-- right across the street from our hotel.  Very friendly service; amazing homemade sundried tomato & asparagus quiche.  In fact, since eating it, I've been on a major quiche-kick...made 7 in the past week!  (5 were to give as end-of-the-year gifts to Jones' teachers).  A decidedly local and hippie-ish place (all organic); I talked with a local mom about her 13-month-olds' use of sign language over breakfast--only in Denver!

Las Margaritas- Pretty heavy stuff for a lunch, but it serves authentic Mexican food.  Since it was a working lunch, I didn't indulge in a Margarita, but hear they are good.  The salsa was amazing.  Wish I had brought some home.

Popcorn and Cava at Linger

Linger- The "trendiest" of the spots we ate on the trip, but still, with a down-to-earth and friendly feel.  Popcorn is the gratis tablefare, differently-spiced each night.  The view of the city is fantastic.  We sat right by the "open wall" and had some awesome small plates.

image via here- the view from Linger

All-in-all, not a bad list of restaurants in Denver, considering we were only there 48 hours and we worked most of it!

Oh, and a fun tidbit about Denver, they ID everyone.  Seriously, everywhere I ordered a drink I was carded.  And it was awesome.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reading Lately

As life settles back into a new-but-familiar-normal, I've found great comfort in again reading before sleep each night.  While I was pregnant I was so sick and tired all of the time, that upon day's end, all I wanted to do was sleep.  My mind barely focused on anything superfluous of work and child-rearing.

Excited to read again, here's what is on my bedside table right now--all holding my attention pretty equally so far:
via here
 My boy is 15 months old already...

via here

I got interested in re-finding this one on my bookshelf and actually reading it after watching Midnight in Paris a couple weeks ago.  Really liked the film, and loved all the references to literary and art figures from the 1920's.  If you dig that sort of thing too, you should also read this.

via here
 And, for a light beachy-read, this one is easy and enjoyable.  I loved Giffin's Something Borrowed and Something Blue, and this one is pretty good so far too.

These 2 are en route to my home as we speak:
via here
This one intrigues me because I went to summer camp for 2 weeks once in my life and was terribly homesick the whole time.  Then, I went off to college and, again, was terribly homesick for the first semester of Freshman year.  After that, something clicked and I haven't been homesick more than a day in my life since, never again during college, and never during my year living in San Francisco.  As a parent, I want to learn how to cultivate a sense of adventure, and to save my child from the homesickness I endured...or learn if that's possible.

via here
Feeling the need to purge our lives of so much stuff these days...hoping this one can help.

What are you reading?  One of my favorite things about summer is having more time to read in the sunshine...I need some more to add to my list, so please, comment away.

Back to the Mat

I went back to yoga class today.  After almost 3 months of not going.

After a rough early pregnancy, including lots of puking.  After the anguish of a miscarriage and loss of a precious baby-life at 14 weeks.  After the death of another loved one last week.

After so much grief, it felt good to come back to the mat.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Loving This Today

The lyrics speak of "taking the bus to Chinatown," and though he's referring to New York's neighborhood, it reminds me of my old neighborhood in San Francisco...missing it these days.